Conversation practice
To learn a language you need to practise as much as possible. That's why conversation practice is an important part of our courses, particularly Basic 3. Our conversation practice sessions involve visiting one of the thousands of small businesses that work with our Language volunteers and having a conversation with the staff. These shops have agreed to speak Catalan with anyone who addresses them in Catalan and so help learners to gain fluency in everyday situations.
Conversation practice is part of the Consortium for Language Normalisation’s commitment to put on activities outside the classroom. Practice sessions take place in a real-life setting without the support of a teacher, which boosts the language skills of the learner who has the opportunity to relate to people in Catalan.
What does it involve?
- You go to a shop where you have to speak Catalan, with no support from a teacher.
- In that everyday setting, you have a conversation with the staff in the shop.
- Later, in class, you can share with your classmates how it went.

How does it work?
- Your teachers will explain exactly how your conversation practice session will work
- You can find the address of any of the shops using the search engine.
- In the shop, the shop assistants will already know you're going there and will be ready to talk to you.

How will it help?
- You can put into practice what you have learned in class.
- You will see that you are capable of having conversations in Catalan in your everyday life.
- You can speak Catalan outside the classroom, in a safe space where you won’t feel embarrassed.