All the prices of the Catalan courses offered by the Consortium for Language Normalisation can be consulted at:

Price list for courses (PDF)

  • Enrolment reductions.
  • The prices of any complementary and specialised courses of other lengths that could be organised in the future will be proportional to 20-hour courses.

Price list for the courses

General courses Length Ordinary 50% reduction 70% reduction




Beginner 45 hours Free


Basic 1
Basic 2
Basic 3
45 hours Free
Basic (A2) 120 hours Free


Elementary 1
Elementary 2
Elementary 3
45 hours €25.50 €12.75 €7.65
Elementary (B1) 120 hours €68.00 €34.00 €20.40


Intermediate 1
Intermediate 2
Intermediate 3
45 hours €50.50 €25.25 €15.15
Intermediate (B2) 120 hours €141.00 €70.50 €42.30


Advanced 1
Advanced 2
Advanced 3
45 hours €98.50 €49.25 €29.55
Advanced (C1) 120 hours €262.67 €131.33 €78.80

Proficiency (C2)

90 hours €245.50 €122.75 €73.65
Complementary courses Length Ordinary 50% reduction 70% reduction
Hey! Listen and speak. Catalan oral course 45 hours Free
Conversation groups 20 hours €39.50 €19.75 €11.85
Specialised courses Length Ordinary 50% reduction 70% reduction
Several courses aimed towards
consolidating linguistic
and communication skills
20 hours €55.50 €27.75 €16.65
Última actualització: 06/09/23