Goals and commitments

Goals of the programme ‘I tu, jugues en català?

  • Encourage the use of Catalan through playing games.

  • Make known the range of games and toys available in Catalan among the public.

  • Collaborate with companies in the sector so that they incorporate Catalan into their products.

Data for 2019

If you are a company or establishment in the world of games and toys, we would like you to be part of ‘I tu, jugues en català?’ It is a very simple way of promoting Catalan in this area.

It implies assuming the following commitments:

Commitments of collaborating companies

  • Disseminate the programme and activities through their communication channels.
  • Provide information about the games in Catalan so that the CPNL can disseminate them.
  • Provide copies of some games so that they can be demonstrated in the territory.
  • To collaborate in activities designed to promote the use of Catalan in the field of games and toys.

Commitments of affiliated establishments

  • To progressively increase the establishment’s range of games and toys available in Catalan.
  • Provide the list of games and toys in Catalan sold by the establishment.
  • Guarantee that customers will find it easy to express themselves and be attended to in Catalan, even if they speak it with difficulty.
  • To participate in activities aimed towards disseminating the games and toys in Catalan proposed by the CPNL.

The CPNL undertakes to advertise the companies, establishments and games in Catalan on social networks, the website and the Atrapajocs app.

Would you like your company or establishment to form part of the programme? Get in touch with us!

  • The games and toys that form part of the game finder include Catalan in at least one of these aspects: the packaging, instructions or how the game works.
Última actualització: 27/04/21