Your business, in Catalan

CPNL helps you comply with the law

The use of Catalan must be based on commercial and customer service quality reasons and compliance with legislation and consumers’ rights. From a legislative perspective, companies and businesses must comply with the language regulations laid down in the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia, the Act on linguistic policy, the Consumer Code of Catalonia and the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.

Customer rights

Consumers have the right to express themselves in Catalan and to receive all communications written in this language.

Activitat en un mercat

Customer service

People who serve customers must be able to do so in Catalan.

Una visita professional


The sign announcing the activity of an establishment must be at least in Catalan.
Fixed internal signage and price and service lists must be at least in Catalan.

Bossa comerços aprenents

Consumers, in their consumer relations, are entitled
to be attended orally and in writing in the official language of their choice.

                                                                                                                                                                         Article 128.1 of Law 22/2010 of 20th July,
                                                                                                                                                                                        of the Consumer Code of Catalonia

Última actualització: 17/07/24