Online language resources session

The session is based on case studies and aims to offer a representative sample of the tools and resources currently available on the Internet (dictionaries, verifiers, model documents, etc.), to help clear up doubts and, therefore, making it possible to incorporate the use of Catalan or improve the language quality of written and oral communications in organisations. It also aims to make people who write texts aware of the importance of language quality, also in relation to the image conveyed by the organisation.

  • Target audience: staff of public or private organisations and the general public who write texts in Catalan and who want to find out about online resources and applications to resolve grammar and spelling issues. No previous level of Catalan is required.
  • Length: 2 hours (face-to-face) or 1 hour (online)
  • Modality: classroom and online.
Última actualització: 18/06/24